xii) "Lo-ad, l'chayn" - (forever, with love)
13) "ul'chesed" - (and with kindness)
14) "ulrachamim" - (and with mercy)
15) "ulrevach" - (and for relief [from our troubles])
16) "hatzolah" - (by saving [us])
17) "v'hatzlocho" - (and success)
18) "b'rocho" - (blessing)
19) "viyshu-o" - (and help)
20) "nechomo" - (comfort)
21) "parnoso" - (a way of making a living)
22) "v'chalkolo" - (taking care of our needs)
23) "v'rachamim" - (and mercy)
24) "v'cha-yim" - (and life)
25) "v'sholohm" - (and peace)
26) "v'chol tohv" - (and all good)
In times past, a man would normally eat fifteen meals a week.Each weekday he would eat one meal in the morning, and one in theafternoon. These twelve meals, plus three meals on Shabbos, equala total of fifteen meals. The fifteen blessings above, stand forthe fifteen meals which Hashem gives us each week. (Iyun T'filo)
"umikol tuv l'ohlom al y'chasraynu" - (and Hashemshould never let us lack anything good.)
Even if a person lives way out in a desert, Hashem will send himfood. We saw this by (Ayliyo-hu Hanovi) Elijah, the Prophet. Whenhe was forced to go into hiding, Hashem sent ravens to bring himfood. (Rabbaynu Bachya, Shaar Haparnossah)
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