"k'mitzvas" - (according to the commandment of)
"Guard the day of Shabbos to keep it holy, as Hashem YourG-d, commanded you." (D'vorim 5:l2) "Remember theShabbos day to keep it holy." (Sh'mohs 20:8)
What is the difference between guarding and remembering? We"remember" the Shabbos from the beginning of the week.During the week when we see something special in the store, webuy it and put it aside for a Shabbos treat. We also"guard" the Shabbos from the beginning of the week. Bypreparing for Shabbos early in the week, we are careful not toget into a situation that might cause us to work on Shabbos.(HaAmek Dovor) In the picture above, a man is interested intaking a job aboard a boat. After speaking to the captain, he isnot sure that the boat will be back in time for Shabbos. So, hewill look elsewhere for work - somewhere where he will not have aproblem with keeping Shabbos properly. "r'tzohnecho" -(Your will)
"Hashem likes those who fear Him" (T'hilim l47:ll)Hashem is happy with those people who fear Him and put theirtrust in Him. The big shot who believes he is so strong, or thathis army is so strong, does not have fear of G-d. (M'tzudasDovid)
We stop working on Shabbos, to show that we completely rely onHashem to take care of our needs
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