"Ohseh sholohm bim-rohmov hu ya-aseh
sholohm olaynu
v'al kol yisro-ayl v'imru omayn."
- (He who makes peace in His
heavens, may He make peace for us and for all Israel, and say,
"Rule and fear are with Him, He makes peace in His high
(Iyov 25:2) Hashem's kingdom is great. He makes peace in the
heavens, so that each angel does exactly what Hashem wants him to
do. They do not fight with each other, but instead, work
peacefully with one another. They know that Hashem has unlimited
power to punish anyone who does not do His will. If angels, who
do not have man's weaknesses and faults, understand and fear
Hashem, how much more so should human beings, who get into fights
easily, be aware of Hashem's power. (M'tzudas Dovid, Etz Yosef)
Two men are fighting. They have come to Ahron Hakoh-hayn who was
known as a man who "loved peace and ran after peace".
Thank G-d, they came to the right place.
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