"How great are Your creations Hashem, Your thoughts aredeep." (T'hilim 92:6)
Hashem shows Himself either through nature or miracles. If Heonly showed Himself by punishing bad people immediately or alwaysmaking miracles, anyone with brains would be afraid to do bad andthere would be no free choice. So, Hashem hides Himself. He makesit seem like He is not around. In this way, man will have freechoice. (Malbim)
A person can spend his life, with his nose to the grindstone,working non-stop. He becomes so busy with his work and takingcare of his everyday needs, that he never stops to think abouthis life and the reason he was created. Shabbos is special day.It is a time for a person to stop and think. If he puts in theeffort, Hashem allows him to understand more about Him, on thisday.