(For it is written: "And you should eat, and besatisfied, and bless Hashem, Your G-d, for the good land which Hegave you.") Hashem said to the angels, "I cannot turnaway from my "Bnay Yisroel". I wrote in the Torah, 'youshould eat, and be satisfied, and bless your G-d'. The Torah onlydemands that a person "bentch" after he is satisfiedand full, but My people so much want to thank Hashem for what hegives them, that they are very careful with their measurements ofbread. They "bentch" on even the smallest amount thatcould satisfy a person - which is a 'k'zaiyis'."
The "mitzvah" of Birkas Hamozohn is written in thesingular form, "v'ochalto" (and you should eat). Butthe Jewish people, who are always looking for ways to honorHashem's name, run to form a "zimun" (a group of threeor more men). If a person sees that he has a meal of bread, butdoes not have a "zimun" with whom to"bentch", he will look to share his food with others sothat he can "bentch" with a group and bring greaterpraise to Hashem's name.
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