In "t'filas shacharis" (the morning prayers), we praise Hashem by saying,
"And in His goodness, each day He continues to renew thework of creation".
Hashem gives life. It is He who causes something to exist (to beor not to be). If Hashem would hold back his goodness for evenone second, the whole world would return to nothingness. (EtzYosef) "b'chol yohm uv'chol ays uv'chol sho-o" - (everyday, and at set times of the day, and in every hour.
]"Every day" - The Mishnah B'rurah 158:4 quotes theZohar, Parshas B'shalach, "One should not cook on one dayfor the next day, or leave over food from one day to thenext." The reason for this, is that a person should look toHashem each day and daven to Him for food. In this way, Hashemwill
bless him each day.
"at set times" - This is speaking about the three timesof day: morning, afternoon, and evening and the regularmealtimes.
"every hour" - This is talking about even those timeswhen a person does not usually eat. (Iyun T'filo)
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