"Boruch ato Hashem Eloh-kaynu melech ho-ohlom" (Blessed are You, Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe)......
We should not say "brochohs" like robots. Instead, a person must be very careful to make a "brocha" with fear and great concentration. (Chayay Odom Klal 5) Try to understand what you are saying. (Brochas 47) Do not make a "brocha" out of habit, saying words without thinking about their meaning. This is a very serious sin. (Mishnah B’rurah 5:1)
The name of Hashem is written, Yud - Hai - Vuv - Hai : Have in mind that Hashem is the master of all creation. He was; He is; He will be.
"Elohkaynu" - He is strict. There is nothing He cannot do. He is all-powerful. (Orach Chaiyim 5)
(These explanations are only concerning "brochohs". "Hashem Elohkaynu" has different meanings in other places.)
The Vilna Gaon writes that the meaning of "Elohkaynu", is that Hashem Himself takes care of every single person. (Aderes Eliyohu D’varim 6:4)
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