FRAMEWORK Publications
1. Dynamic Reading Self Improvement Manual / Workbook / Kit
2. Screening Attitudes to Learning
A simple schedule for determining the talmid's attitude to processing information.
3. Thinking for Yourself
Based on the ÜàÉàüÜ èÿâ by the RAMCHAL, chapter by chapter. Teaches the reader how to analyze language in order to derive the total amount of information in the words. Employs a very simple style; every point illustrated with day-to-day examples.
4. The First Levels of Learning Talmud A range of resources which the talmid can use to help him attain the first level of understanding the basic p'shot of the Gemora
5. Treasure Trail (Learning Hebrew and Aramaic by induction) Workbooks/Teachers' Manual
A basic introduction to learning the Hebrew and Aramaic language using learning-by-induction. This a very pleasant and effortless way to learn and was very successful when used to teach children in the East End of London about 35 years ago. These children came to cheder for a few hours a week knowing nothing and by working through the Trail many progressed to learning Gemora - in those days, a near-miracle.
6. Memory Cards Revision cards to help memorize Mishnayos and Gemora. Each card covers one Perek and lists the first few words of each Mishna in that Perek. They are arranged as playing-cards and can be used by children for playing or by bochurim and adults to help them memorize the Mishnayos and the Gemora.
7. FRAMEWORK FORUM A clearing-house whereby productive ideas and teaching-aids by innovative Mechanchim can be shared with others. Problems can be presented for discussion. Contributions to Zvi Zobin c/o POB 4312
FRAMEWORK Software Library
A large collection of educational programs for IBM-compatible computers. Includes utilities for making educational games, tutorials and other teaching-aids. Many are Shareware.